The medal “To the participant of the cast march June 12, 1999 Bosnia-Kosovo” is the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, established by order of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation No. 75 of February 11, 2000.
Medal Status: Currently awarded. Brass Alloy and Enamel Medal has pin at the back to fix it to a jacket.
The medal is made for those who participated in the preparation and provision of the march throw - has a circle shape with a diameter of 32 mm with an edge on both sides.
Reverse side: in a circle in the upper part - “PARTICIPANT”, in the centre- in two lines: “MARCH-THROW June 12, 1999”, in the lower part - the number of the medal(empty)
The medal is connected with a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. From the right edge of the tape, an orange strip 10 mm wide is bordered by a black strip 2 mm wide, to the left is a blue strip 12 mm wide.
More information on Wiki(Russian version).