Return Policy

We want you to be fully satisfied with every item that you purchase from

  • If you are not satisfied with an item that you have purchased, you may return the item within 14 days after the original purchase date as indicated on the receipt, if the item meets all the terms of our Return and Exchange Policy, for either a full refund of the purchase price including applicable taxes, minus shipping and handling, and customs and duties (if applicable); or you may exchange the item for another item of equal or lesser value and you will receive a refund for the difference in price (if applicable), minus shipping and handling.
  • If the item you purchased was defective or was damaged in shipping or you received an item other than the item you ordered, you will receive a full refund including applicable taxes and shipping and handling costs.
  • The item must be returned in good condition, in original packaging with all paperwork, parts and accessories to ensure a refund.